College Decision Day

Traditionally celebrated around May 1, College Decision Day marks the deadline students must commit to their chosen college or university. This day is not just about making a decision; it's a celebration of the next step in their educational journey, offering a moment for students, families, and educators to come together and commemorate the choices made after months, or even years, of hard work and research.

  • Recognize seniors for their hard work and success.
  • Support seniors as they start their new college journeys.
  • Inspire younger students – especially those at risk– to believe college is an attainable goal.
  • Support a college-going culture within your school.

Ways to Promote College Decision Day

  • Encourage your students to celebrate with announcements, photos, videos, etc., on social media channels.
  • Create a College Decision Wall for students to highlight their future colleges.

  • Conduct a College T-Shirt Day for students, teachers, and staff to wear their college shirts.
  • Decorate halls and classrooms with college signs, posters, and banners.
  • Showcase college trivia that highlights the advantages of college.

  • Include all grades in attendance to build excitement about going to college.
  • Invite all faculty, staff, and district office personnel to attend.
  • Share data on the senior class – number of college applications, acceptances, and dollar amounts of scholarship money earned.
  • Encourage your seniors to wear college gear from their future schools.
  • Announce students and their college choices in some way:
    • Present certificates or slideshow.
  • Invite a guest speaker to share a college success story.
    • School alum, Community leader, Local dignitary.