guy celebrating behind laptop

After your applications are submitted, there are a couple of things you'll still have to take care of.

You should receive your acceptance letters and financial aid award packages. Write thank you notes to your letters of recommendation, your counselor and anyone else who has helped you in the process.

  • You met the admission requirements, but the college has already accepted the maximum number of students.
    •  If a spot becomes available, you may be offered a spot, but this is usually after the May 1 decision deadline has passed.
    • If you are really interested in that college, you may choose to remain on the waiting list, but you should be prepared to attend another college.
      •  You should notify that college and send your deposit by May 1.
        •  If the college you are wait-listed comes through and you accept, you will lose your deposit at the other college.

  • Start by talking with your high school guidance counselor. 
  • You may look for colleges with late admission or rolling deadlines and apply.
  • Consider attending a community college and then transferring to a four-year college.

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