Important Guidance for Mixed-Status Families Navigating College Financial Aid


Dear Colleagues,

New York State recognizes the concerns that students from mixed-status families, including those who do not have a social security number, may face when navigating the college financial aid application process. We understand the sensitivity of personal information and the potential uncertainties surrounding its potential use. 

To better help educators and support professionals assist students and their families, HESC has developed new guidance that can help you better understand the options and resources available to impacted students.

This resource provides:

  • Key considerations for mixed-status families applying for college financial aid.
  • Eligibility details for New York State financial aid.
  • Clarifications on federal and state laws to address concerns about information use.
  • Actionable steps families can take now to maximize their aid opportunities.
  • Up-to-date FAQ section addressing common questions.

As guidance on these topics evolves rapidly, we encourage you to revisit the webpage often for the latest updates. Additionally, students, families, and educators can sign up for text or email alerts to stay informed about changes and resources as they develop.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to supporting New York students and their families.

New York State Higher Education Services Corporation